Cut the fat. Get heard.
Content is the backbone of good branding and marketing. Looking pretty is only half the battle. Sounding great matters just as much.
My professional writing services make you sound great in print and digital spaces including website content, marketing copy, blogs, newsletters, social posts and more.
Professional Writing services for small businesses, public entities and nonprofit organizations.
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Alongside my friends at Campfire & Co., we have offered over a dozen marketing-specific workshops including customized sessions for corporate, government and nonprofit organizations across the state of Virginia as well as a full-day conference on small business growth.
Topics have included:
Writing compelling content
Branding basics
Social Media marketing strategy
Goal setting and business growth
If you’re interested in talking to us about a customized workshop for your group, organization or business, please reach out - we would love to bring one of our events to you!
Let’s Talk
Sometimes you just need to talk it out. That’s why I offer online or in-person consulting sessions.
Book your session now →

Blogs about blogs
and other stuff
This week, just like every other week, I got an email from Tinto, a small wine shop and tasting bar in my neighborhood. But this week it really struck me how consistently I actually open and read their emails. And it’s not just because I love wine and consistently hand over lots of my money to them in exchange for it.
RIC design build is one of The Chop Shop’s longest running clients (and one of my favorites, if I’m being honest). They do amazing historic renovations, modern additions, single room or whole home remodels - all using sustainable building practices.
Planning this conference was HARD. It took months of work, hours and hours of our time, creativity we thought had dried up, energy we were sure had been leached out of us forever, so so SO many emails - all for ONE DAY. And then the day itself?